Over the past four years, 74 faculty members from 11 universities have spent a semester at the University at Buffalo, State University of New York, USA, to develop their digital skills, improve the quality of ICT teaching, and learn the latest methods in preparing and delivering IT course content. This continuing education opportunity is funded by the European Regional Development Fund. Riga Business School, as a structural unit of RTU, implements and coordinates the program in close cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science.
The project ended with the return of the last eight faculty members in May this year. The last group of participants represented higher education institutions such as the University of Latvia, Riga Stradiņš University, Banking University, Riga Business School, RISEBA, College of Business Administration, Latvian University of Life Sciences and Technologies, and Ventspils University.
In the autumn semester of the last academic year, eight more participants graduated from the program. The 2021/2022 academic year was the most active period of the project, with 22 faculty members traveling to University at Buffalo for the autumn and another 22 for the spring semester. In the first year of the project, 14 participants took part in the program.
After returning from their studies at the University of Buffalo, the faculty members must work for at least two years in Latvian universities or scientific institutions as academic or scientific staff in fields requiring a high level of digital skills.
This is one of the most visible and valuable investments in the quality of higher education. Motivated faculty members have returned from their semester in the USA with strong digital skills and valuable academic contacts, modern work culture, and innovative teaching and pedagogical methods, which they are putting to use in their work at Latvian higher education institutions.
Santa Šmīdlere
Acting State Secretary, Ministry of Education and Science

The main goal of this study adventure was to learn the basics of programming in order to integrate digitalization opportunities in relevant areas into my future courses and adopt best practices in the role of a lecturer. I have defined several practices of what to do and not to do as a lecturer in the future. I got ideas on how to innovate the process of education delivery in Latvia and globally.
Anita Gaile
Lecturer, Riga Business School
Several higher education institutions participated in the development of this program – University at Buffalo, University of Latvia, Riga Technical University, Riga Stradiņš University, and Riga Business School as a unit of Riga Technical University.
The project is financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) project No “Support for RTU International Cooperation Projects in Research and Innovation”. Riga Business School implements and coordinates the program as a structural unit of RTU in close cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science.
More information:
Elizabete Lībiete, Riga Business School Marketing and Communication Project Manager, elizabete.libiete@rbs.lv