RBS projects

Riga Business School is always looking for opportunities to provide knowledge to our current students, and to share our expertise in various business fields with a broader audience. To do that, we are involved in a number of projects to help educate practitioners from the business world, support startups, and train faculty members of several leading Latvian universities and schools.

Professional Development for Tech Educators

Riga Business School, in partnership with the National Centre for Education and “Learn IT,” invites technology educators to professional development courses featuring four programs focused on computer science, programming, design and technology, and tailored teaching methodologies.

Mini MBA

Teaches students how to start an innovative business and introduces them to all stages of the innovation process

Innovation Academy

24-week practical pre-acceleration program to foster the creation of globally competitive start-ups.

Buffalo Program

This program prepares the core of the Latvian digitalization university faculty members, providing an opportunity to study high-level digital skills.

Innovation Education Laboratory

These programs will allow for high level managers in education, government agencies, and businesses to be equipped with best-practices that have been proven to be effective. Three of the main topics that these programs will focus on are strategy, innovation, and technology, with a specific highlight on how these can be implemented in Latvia.

CS50x Latvia Program

Brings the CS50x, a Computer Science course developed by Harvard University professor David J. Malan, to high schools in Latvia.

Master of Science in Smart, Secure and Interconnected Systems

In order to increase the number of highly educated specialists in the ICT field essential for the further development of national economy, we will collaborate with foreign partners to design a joint Master program.

Baltic Center of Excellence in Financial Services

The Baltic Center of Excellence in Financial Services was set up in 2023 to serve as the key regional independent think-tank and capacity builder.
Its mission is to contribute to the development of an innovative, sustainable and well-functioning financial services market that drives economic growth.

AI Studio

AI Studio, a pioneering initiative by Riga Business School and in collaboration with IT Cluster, invites businesses to explore the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI). Our mission is to demystify AI for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) across various sectors, enabling them to harness AI for accelerated growth, innovation, and a competitive edge.