Riga Business School supports the leadership and growth program for girls “Future Heroes” for the third year

Already for the third year Riga Business School supports the leadership, entrepreneurship and growth program Future Heroes with the motto – Create your own future!, organized by the National Centre for Education. Every girl between the ages of 14 to 17 is invited to apply.
Main goal of the Future Heroes program is to educate young women – future leaders and change makers – boosting their self-confidence, empathy, resilience and developing various skills necessary for life. Program contributes to the formation of bold, united and socially responsible generation where future leaders and change makers will play a big part.
In frame of the program young women have the opportunity:
- To develop leadership skills to promote an increase of women in entrepreneurship and leading positions;
- To master the skills required for the future labour market, promoting global competitiveness and preconditions for the development of start-ups;
- To strengthen intercultural dialogue between young women and communities of different nationalities residing in Latvia;
- To receive support in choosing a future career, offering young women opportunity to acquire current knowledge from the professionals of the sector and support of mentors in the development and implementation of actual projects.
Also this season, for six months (from October to March) 50 young women from different regions of Latvia will have the opportunity to participate in 8 skills workshops on leadership and finding of solutions, entrepreneurship and project management, digital communication and media literacy, financial literacy and other current topics. In order to use newly acquired skills and demonstrate the willingness to be change makers, teams of girls will create and implement social and business projects. Experienced mentors will support the growth of projects and teams. Young women will have the opportunity to continue implementation of the developed projects also after completion of the program, thus promoting sustainability of the created idea and introduction of changes in the daily life of society.
Participation in the program is free, but on a competition basis, filling out the application form on the website of the program www.futureheroes.lv until September 23 of this year (including).
Competition results will be announced to each participant until 30 September. First workshop of the program is scheduled on 14 October (see the workshop schedule and topics on the Future Heroes website).
One of the selection criteria is knowledge of the English language as all workshops will be held in English. Significant is also the commitment to invest time, energy and demonstrate one’s best performance, develop a feasible social or business project, at the same time competing for prizes. Program will conclude with a festive ceremony where we will look back on the accomplishment of girls and partners of the program will award the most successful projects and participants in different nominations.
As the uniqueness and power of the program lies in its diversity and partnerships of different level, all workshops are created in cooperation with the leading experts and companies of the sectors. Growth of Future Heroes participants is ensured by the National Centre for Education, representation office of British Council in Latvia and SEB bank. During the third season of the program we are supported by RTU Riga Business School, EIT Health project in Riga Stradins University, association “Līdere”, Riga TechGirls, Workland co-working workspaces, foundation “Fonds Tavs atbalsts”, ESILV and other partners.
Future Heroes program in Latvia was commenced in 2020, and already 92 girls from different regions of Latvia are its successful graduates, implementing 20 social and business projects.