
Take Executive Education courses at Riga Business School to keep up with the latest developments in business education. Whether you’re a recent graduate or it’s been years since you called yourself a student, we welcome you to continue growing. This is an opportunity for you to develop and update your talents.

Sept 7 – Dec 14



Katrīna Jaunušāne

Marketing Management

“The business enterprise has two–and only two–basic functions: marketing and innovation. Marketing and innovation produce results; all the rest are costs.” These are words by management classic Peter Drucker. The purpose of the marketing course is to acquaint students with the terminology, tools, and practice of implementing marketing management strategies and tools in complex environments:
1. To develop students’ ability to analyze the marketing environment and to draw conclusions from the analysis;
2. To introduce participants to a variety of concepts, theories, facts, analytical procedures, techniques, and models and their application within business organizations with a view of the Latvian business environment;
3. To understand principles of business model creation, improvement, and the role of marketing in the process;
4. To evaluate and control marketing programs. We will examine current best practices in Europe and North America with a view to adopting them to the Latvian business environment.

Dates Topics
Class 1 Introduction, structure and requirements in the course. Understanding marketing concepts and marketing management Legal framework, ethics in marketing and consumerism
Class 2 Market research methods
Class 3 Product vs service Dealing with competitors
Class 4 Market segmentation, Targeting and Positioning
Class 5 Brands and Branding Branding strategies
Class 6 Marketing Mix: price and value Developing product offering
Class 7 Making product available –designing and managing channels
Midterm break
Class 8 Individual midterm exam
Class 9 PR in Practice: Guest Lecture TBC Developing effective Marketing Communication
Class 10 Guest Lecture
Class 11 Developing effective Marketing Communication
Class 12 Marketing Effectiveness and Metrics
Class 13 Group project presentations
Class 14 Group project presentations

Course is priced at 750 Eur + VAT
Requirements to receive the certificate:

  • 80% attendance
  • active participation in classes that includes discussions, group and individual work.

Marketing Management

Katrīna Jaunušāne

Sept 7 – Dec 14



“The business enterprise has two–and only two–basic functions: marketing and innovation. Marketing and innovation produce results; all the rest are costs.” These are words by management classic Peter Drucker. The purpose of the marketing course is to acquaint students with the terminology, tools, and practice of implementing marketing management strategies and tools in complex environments:
1. To develop students’ ability to analyze the marketing environment and to draw conclusions from the analysis;
2. To introduce participants to a variety of concepts, theories, facts, analytical procedures, techniques, and models and their application within business organizations with a view of the Latvian business environment;
3. To understand principles of business model creation, improvement, and the role of marketing in the process;
4. To evaluate and control marketing programs. We will examine current best practices in Europe and North America with a view to adopting them to the Latvian business environment.

Dates Topics
Class 1 Introduction, structure and requirements in the course. Understanding marketing concepts and marketing management Legal framework, ethics in marketing and consumerism
Class 2 Market research methods
Class 3 Product vs service Dealing with competitors
Class 4 Market segmentation, Targeting and Positioning
Class 5 Brands and Branding Branding strategies
Class 6 Marketing Mix: price and value Developing product offering
Class 7 Making product available –designing and managing channels
Midterm break
Class 8 Individual midterm exam
Class 9 PR in Practice: Guest Lecture TBC Developing effective Marketing Communication
Class 10 Guest Lecture
Class 11 Developing effective Marketing Communication
Class 12 Marketing Effectiveness and Metrics
Class 13 Group project presentations
Class 14 Group project presentations

Course is priced at 750 Eur + VAT
Requirements to receive the certificate:

  • 80% attendance
  • active participation in classes that includes discussions, group and individual work.