Last weekend, on 1 June, Riga Business School, as a unit of Riga Technical University, celebrated its 30th commencement ceremony. This year 88 Bachelor and Master students of Business Administration, as well as Bachelor students of Computer Science and Organisation Technology graduated from Riga Business School. Diplomas were awarded to 5 high-level executives in the Executive MBA programme, 35 graduates in the Professional MBA programme, 19 graduates in the Computer Science and Organisational Technologies programme and 29 graduates in the Bachelor of Business Administration programme.

90% of Riga Business School 2024 graduates who studied bachelor programmes are currently employed or have started their own business. 87% of these graduates indicate that they use the skills and knowledge acquired at Riga Business School in their daily lives. Among graduates of Master’s programmes, 20% work in the financial sector, 18% in information technology, and 13% in wholesale trade. 63% indicate that their studies helped them to develop their network of contacts. 25% of the Master’s graduates indicate that they received a job promotion during their studies. Their success is a testament to the quality of education and the supportive environment at Riga Business School.

The graduation marked a significant moment in the lives of the graduates, bringing together their families, friends and important guests, making it even more special. The graduates were greeted by Prime Minister Evika Siliņa, Riga Technical University Rector Tālis Juhna, Riga Business School Director Claudio Rivera, long-time Riga Business School Director Jānis Grēviņš and Riga Business School Advisory Board Co-Chair Viesturs Kuļikovskis.

Evika Siliņa, Prime Minister of the Republic of Latvia: ”Today we celebrate the success of 88 graduates, a testament to their hard work and determination, as well as to the academic excellence of Riga Business School. The skills, knowledge and contacts gained will not only make a difference in the graduates’ future, but will also contribute to society in Latvia and globally. I wish you a bright future, determination, perseverance and much success.”

Tālis Juhna, Rector of Riga Technical University:Graduates have grown as individuals and their achievements are an important foundation for their future careers. The skills to be strong leaders and the community contacts developed during their studies will help to create new innovations in Latvia together. Being a leader is not only about acquiring leadership skills, but also about inspiring others to follow and showing them how to make the world a better place. Riga Business School graduates have all the necessary skills to make a difference in Latvia with a sense of purpose and mission.”

Claudio Rivera, Director of Riga Business School:Strong determination and excellence are two values that have permeated Riga Business School throughout its 30 years of existence, as well as its graduates. The society does not need leaders who never make mistakes, it needs leaders who inspire with their ambition, mission and pursuit of excellence.” [full Commencement speech]

Viesturs Kuļikovskis, Co-Chair of the Riga Business School Advisory Board, honoured the most outstanding graduate of Riga Business School, Dāvis Indriksons, who graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. The gratitude was awarded to Davis Indriksons for his outstanding academic performance, leadership as the President of the Student Parliament and for his remarkable dedication to strengthening the RBS community. As a special award, Dāvis Indriksons received a euro collection coin issued by the Bank of Latvia to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Jānis Jaunsudrabiņš’ “The White Book”.

As Riga Business School has long-standing cooperation with several business schools in the United States, Europe and Asia, several students gained international study experience by studying for a semester on exchange at one of Riga Business School’s partner universities. In cooperation with two leading business schools in Europe and the USA – BI Norwegian Business School and the State University of New York at Buffalo – several students spent their final year abroad to pursue a double degree.

Riga Business School continuously strengthens its international cooperation, academic excellence and innovative leadership, thus contributing to a brighter future for its graduates on the path to career development and continued success. Applications are currently open for both Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes for the 2024/2025 academic year. .

🎥 A recording of the ceremony is available on the Riga Business School Riga Business School YouTube channel.

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