Following the selection of candidates by the Nomination Committee and the approval of the Rector of the Riga Technical University, Claudio Rivera will become the Director of Riga Business School as a unit of Riga Technical University as of June 26. Claudio Rivera will succeed Jānis Grēviņš, the long-standing Director of Riga Business School.
The selection of the Director of Riga Business School takes place every five years. The Nomination Committee started its work on January 5th this year. It consisted of nine members with different roles in Riga Business School. After the position was publicly announced, 25 candidates applied. The three candidates with the highest scores, according to the Nomination Committee’s evaluation, were invited to the final interviews.
Sanda Liepiņa, Riga Business School Chairman of teh RBS Advisory Board: “Riga Business School’s strategy for the next five years is focused on growing business in a technology-dominated era. Innovation management, digitalization and business leadership will be the leading directions for the next few years. Riga Business School foresees further growth in student numbers, particularly through the development of micro-course level training, the development of undergraduate and MBA programs, a focus on further training of high-level executives, and the development of the Mini MBA program offering, all in collaboration with a number of world-class business schools. Claudio Rivera’s vision for the development of the university gave me confidence that the school’s strategy is in the right hands.”
Tālis Juhna, Rector at Riga Technical University: “Riga Business School, as a structural unit of Riga Technical University, has been successfully integrating study programs focusing on business and innovation management and digitalization into the broad study offer of RTU for more than 20 years. As a research university, it is important for us to infuse new knowledge created at the university into the study process, to develop interdisciplinarity in studies and research, as well as to educate engineering and high-tech specialists – not only employees, but employers and future business leaders, therefore Riga Business School will continue to be an important part of the RTU ecosystem.”
Claudio Rivera, Incoming Director of Riga Business School, approved by the Nomination Committee and RTU Rector: “I have been with Riga Business School for 10 years, designing and developing undergraduate programs, inspired by the experience of the world’s best universities. Thank you for trusting me to continue the development of Riga Business School, bringing to Latvia the best education needed for business breakthroughs. My goal with my team is to build a strong business school in the region, with strengths rooted in the experience of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University at Buffalo, University of Ottawa and Harvard University, which are Riga Business School’s partners.”
Jānis Grēviņš, Outgoing Director of Riga Business School: “After 20 years at the helm of Riga Business School, I am very pleased with what the team has achieved. We have developed bachelor’s programs, in cooperation with Riga Technical University and the Ministry of Education and Science, we have developed cooperation with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for Latvian Education Leaders, and together with the University at Buffalo, we are helping higher education faculty to learn digital skills. In cooperation with LIAA Technology Business Centre and Norway Grants Latvia, we provide Mini MBA in Innovation Management. I wish the team to continue taking steps towards excellence.”
Until he takes over, Claudio Rivera, together with Jānis Grēviņš and the Riga Business School Advisory Board, will ensure that all day-to-day tasks are carried out, as well as prepare the school for the next strategic phase.
RBS ir dibināta 1991. gadā, sadarbojoties RTU, Bufalo Universitātei (ASV) un Otavas Universitātei (Kanāda). RBS piedāvā mācības angļu valodā MBA un EMBA programmās, kur studenti iegūst pasaulē atzītu maģistra profesionālo grādu uzņēmumu un organizāciju vadīšanā, kā arī bakalaura programmās, kur iegūst bakalaura grādu starptautisko uzņēmumu vadīšanā vai datorzinātnē un organizāciju tehnoloģijās. Kopā 2019. gada RBS piedāvā arī Mini MBA sadarbībā LIAA. 2023. gadā uzsāktas pirmās Executive education programmas. RBS veicina inovācijas izglītībā: Latvijas augstākās izglītības mācībspēka studiju administrēšana Bufalo Universitātē, MIT izglītības līderu programmu izveide kopā ar IZM, kā arī Hārvarda Universitātes CS50 kursa adaptēšana mācību saturā Latvijas vidusskolās.
More information:
Agnese Strazda, Riga Business School Marketing and Communications Director,