24.8.2023 / 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Introduction to the “Fin” in FinTech 

Prof. Utpal Bhattacharya

Thursday, August 24 at 15:00-17:00


Have you ever thought of launching a FinTech but lack the foundational knowledge of the big ideas and issues in finance? Then this two hour introduction is for you.

This talk is meant for those who are a part of or are interested in FinTech and know more Tech than Fin. It will guide you through the labyrinth of the big ideas in classical finance – efficient markets, arbitrage, diversification, portfolio optimization, the relation between risk and return, factor models – and the challenges posed by behavioral finance (psychology and sociology). The talk is peppered with fascinating findings from the speaker’s published research.


How to attend?

Please register here to attend one or more lectures: https://forms.gle/LbprYzpUMJu82who9

The lecture will take place at Riga Business School (11 Skolas Street, Riga) with an option to attend online via Zoom. You will receive Zoom link, if you register for the online option. 


About the guest lecturer


Prof. Utpal Bhattacharya 

Utpal Bhattacharya is a Chair Professor at the Department of Finance at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

He believes, with apologies to Thomas Jefferson, that “the price of capitalism is eternal vigilance.” He researches the dark side of financial markets, with research expertise in Market Manipulation, Insider Trading, Earnings Management, Household Finance, and Behavioral Biases. His research has been published in top-tier finance, accounting, and economics journals and has been featured in full-length stories more than a hundred times in various media across the world. 

He has taught at top universities across the world and teaches research methods in a different country every summer. His goal is to spread the gospel of honest finance to every corner of the globe. 

More about Prof.Bhattacharya’s research: https://ubhattac.people.ust.hk/ 

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