We invite interested parties to attend the presentation and discussion of the first research study by RTU RBS Baltic Finance Center (BFC), titled “Mortgage Lending and Promoting Competition: Time to Shift Gears?“, on November 8, 2024, from 9:00 to 11:30 AM at the EU House, Aspazijas Boulevard 28, Riga.

To promote evidence-based discussion and offer proposals for market development, BFC has conducted an independent study analyzing Latvian and global practices in mortgage market design and competition promotion.

The event will present the study’s conclusions and discuss the following questions:

  • What kind of mortgage market do we want to develop over the next 5-10 years, and what are we currently lacking for an effective competitive process?
  • Will the solutions implemented so far to improve competition be sufficient, considering the experience of other countries?
  • Who is responsible for promoting competition in the financial sector, and how can the approach to promoting competition be strengthened based on global best practices?

Discussion participants:

Skaidrīte Ābrama, Chair of the Parliamentary Economic Committee
Arvils Ašeradens, Minister of Finance
Mārtiņš Kazāks, President of the Bank of Latvia
Uldis Cērps, Head of the Finance Latvia Association
Ainārs Balcers, Co-Chair of the Finance Latvia Association’s Lending Committee
Tīna Lūse, Head of FinTech Latvia Association
Kristīne Dambe, BFC Founding Director

Moderator – Ainārs Ozols, Chairman of the BFC Development Council

Event Program

The event will be held in Latvian, and English translation will be available.

Please complete the registration form by November 5. In case of questions, please contact BFC representative Māra Robežniece at mara.robezniece@rbs.lv.

The research is implemented within the framework of the European Commission’s Recovery and Resilience Facility funded project No. “Knowledge and Research Capacity Strengthening of Anti-Money Laundering, and Financial Sector Technology & Analysis.” The research authors are BFC economists and experts Kristīne Dambe, Andrejs Jakobsons, and William Schaub.

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