This course is available in the spring of 2025!
The exact date and time will be announced after registration.
For more information, send an email to lift@rbs.lv or call 20318250
In person, online participation is also possible
Price: 800€ + VAT
EU co-funding available from 50-100%*
Language: Latvian
Artificial Intelligence for Business Hyper-Performance

Agnis Stibe
About the lecturer
Four-time TEDx speaker, world-renowned scientist, business consultant, and advisor to the AgnisStibe.com. RTU IEVF tenured professor, professor of Artificial Intelligence and Society 5.0 at the University of Pretoria in South Africa and Professor of Transformative Business Solutions at the University of Oulu in Finland. Founder of compelling urban science at the world-leading Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He combines the science and practice of change on a daily basis to help break free from the disturbing weight of everyday life, which is most often due to human nature. He creates modern technologies that encourage people to change in ways that achieve long-term goals in life and work. He offers a specific method and tools that include a deep understanding of neuroscience, physiology, psychology and sociology. Masterclasses improve performance and strengthen the quality of management decisions. The professor passionately believes that anyone can achieve anything they truly desire.
Course description
Combining human and artificial intelligence (AI) brings significant improvements to business and society, offering new approaches to solving problems and fostering innovation. This course explores how the synergy of human intelligence with AI capabilities can lead to innovative solutions that improve performance and decision-making. By combining human intuition, creativity and emotional intelligence with AI’s analytical ability, data processing capacity and accuracy, companies can develop new, personalised approaches to performance improvement, customer service and product development. This combination can contribute to sustainable development and address challenges that are important for societies, such as improving quality of life and creating healthy urban environments. This course explains the development of new technologies and methodologies that can contribute to economic growth and social inclusion. Finally, the integration of people and AI in business and society promotes the ethical and socially responsible use of AI. This course will be valuable for CEOs, business managers and leaders, AI and IT professionals, human capital managers and social change makers who want to use innovative approaches to create impactful and sustainable solutions.
Course goals
· Combine the potential of human and artificial intelligence to achieve high performance at both individual and organizational levels.
· Use artificial intelligence to understand and overcome obstacles in people’s thinking and actions that hinder the promotion of high performance in companies and society.
· Create sustainable and profitable business growth strategies combining human and artificial intelligence.
· To ensure skillful and balanced integration of artificial intelligence technologies in human activities at companies and in the development of society.
· Develop the abilities to accept and combine artificial intelligence technologies with human nature and emotional intelligence.
After the course participants will be able to:
The ability to harness the power of human and Artificial Intelligence to accelerate business growth and ensure long-term greatness.
Strategies and tools to effectively prevent burnout and promote high performance, developing employee well-being and effectiveness.
Improved accuracy of data analysis and decision-making through Artificial Intelligence capabilities to recognise and assess human nature.
Develop skills to design solutions that combine artificial intelligence with human intelligence, contributing to the creation of effective teams and organisations.
Certificate of Excellence, certifying the participant’s competence in combining human and Artificial Intelligence to foster greatness.
Course will be
In person
Genuine interest at the importance of artificial intelligence in understanding and influencing human performance. A desire to self-develop using state-of-the-art AI capabilities and tools.
Teaching Methods
This course will allow participants not only to acquire theoretical knowledge, but also practical solutions and skills that they can immediately apply in their professional life to achieve high performance and effectively use human artificial intelligence.
Hands-on team workshops to analyze and solve real-world challenges in high performance and artificial intelligence, creating solutions and providing feedback.
Case studies and analysis, looking at successful and unsuccessful applications of high performance and artificial intelligence, allowing participants to understand good practices and avoid potential mistakes.
Interactive lectures and discussions, involving active participation, allowing to ask questions that contribute to a deeper understanding of the symbiosis of human and artificial intelligence.
Course details
– What is a great performance – what makes it different from high performance?
Excellence involves not only outstanding achievement, but also purposefully addressing obstacles and forging sustainable success.
– The interaction between people and AI, the power of their combination.
Combining human creativity with the computational power of AI and
creating new horizons of unprecedented greatness.
– Greatness versus burnout – the role of AI in removing barriers to human thinking.
AI can help uncover and remove hidden barriers to thinking, thereby
promoting greatness and reducing the likelihood of burnout.
– AI enables greatness as the pinnacle of modern leadership.
The path to modern leadership excellence and success is based on AI solution natural integration into daily activities and decision-making.
– The human brain and AI working together.
The natural abilities of the human brain, combined with the power of AI, enable a significant development in problem solving and creativity.
– The impact of AI on the sustainable growth of business and society.
AI offers more relevant and improved solutions that contribute to
fast improvements and sustainable impacts for both business and
– Human energetic intelligence and its power.
Human energetic intelligence enables us to understand and manage energy sources to achieve the highest possibilities and promote greatness.
– Unrestricted feedback as an enabler of greatness.
Rapid and tailored feedback ensures continuous development and
improvement, which is the foundation of the path to greatness.

Matīss Seipulāns
Matīss Seipulāns
Par pasniedzēju
Matīss Valters Seipulāns ir digitālā mārketinga speciālists ar 10+ gadu pieredzi nozarē, fokusējoties uz Meta reklāmu un SEO. Strādājis ar uzņēmumiem Latvijā, Eiropā, Dienvidamerikā, Āzijā. Kopā pārvaldītjis15M EUR reklāmas budžetu. Konsultējis uzņēmumus un vadījis SEO projektus gan Latvijā, gan Eiropā. Sava darba rezultātā palielinājis organisko apmeklētāju skaitu 2-10x reizes.
Kursa apraksts
Šajā kursā Tu apgūsi pamatus meklēšanas sistēmu optimizācijas (SEO) stratēģijās. Tu iegūsi padziļinātu izpratni par atslēgvārdu izpētes metodoloģijām un optimizācijas taktikām. Izprotot, kā darbojas meklētājprogrammas, Tu būsi sagatavots, lai uzlabotu tīmekļa vietnes redzamību, piesaistītu organisko datplūsmu un uzlabotu pozīcijas meklētājprogrammās. Izmantojot praktiskus vingrinājumus un praktisku pielietojumu, Tu apgūsi prasmes, kas nepieciešamas, lai optimizētu tīmekļa vietnes saturu, struktūru un tehniskos elementus maksimālai ietekmei.
Kursa mērķi
Iegūt pamatzināšanas par SEO un meklētājprogrammām
Izprast SEO un meklētājprogrammu nozīmi ikdienā
Apgūt dažādus veidus kā uzlabot mājaslapas SEO un palielināt organisku apmeklētāju skaitu
Iemācīties efektīvi izmantot vairākus SEO rīkus
Komersantu ieguvums pēc kursa pabeigšanas:
Izpratne par SEO pamatiem Spēja izveidot SEO draudzīgas tīmekļa vietnes Spēja piesaistīt organisko datplūsmu Spēja palielināt tīmekļa vietnes redzamību
Kurss notiks:
Izpratne par meklētājprogrammām
Mācību metodes:
- Aktīvās mācības
- Klases diskusija
- Lekcija
- Gadījumu un piemēru izpēte
Tēma 1
SEO pamati:
Kas ir SEO?
Kāpēc SEO ir svarīgs?
Kā darbojas meklētājprogrammas?
Meklētājprogrammu algoritmu izpratne
Tēma 2
Lapas SEO pamati:
Atslēgvārdu izpēte
Satura optimizācija
Ievads HTML un SEO
Tēma 3
Ārējā SEO pamati:
Atpakaļsaites: Kas tās ir un kāpēc tās ir svarīgas
Ievads lokālajā SEO
Tēma 4
Ieskats SEO rīkos:
Google Search Console
Google Analytics
Citi svarīgi SEO rīki
Tēma 5
SEO principi un no kā izvairīties:
White hat un Black hat SEO
SEO labākie principi